RATP Smart Systems

Android developer Embedded developer

Android developer

Ticketing library

Ref: Sébastien Bessonet, Vincent Bialoux

Background and objectives
Achievements and activities
Deliverables and results

RATP Smart Systems, in its desire to be part of the Mobility as a Service, wanted to create a ticketing library on Android and iOS. Thus, actors can integrate the ticketing part implemented by RSS to manage the purchase and sale of transport tickets.

I initiated the libray and worked on it for a month.
I had to handle:

  • GraphQL (mock) server in NodeJs
  • GraphQL with Apollo 
  • Kotlin
  • Gitlab CI/CD
    • Create and use a Docker environnement
    • Automatised tests
    • Setup Jacoco coverage report
    • Setup SonarQube (quality gate, profile)
    • Deployment with Fastlane
    • Documentation with Dokka


No result to show as the project was not yet mature and had to be put on hold. It is also the reason why I only worked 1 month on it.

Ticket validation and control application
Background and objectives
Achievements and activities
Deliverables and results

To attract other customers than the heavy ticketing solution, this project is a light ticketing solution. To offer companies a solution to validate and control tickets from a text, on entry-level android devices.

 I worked alone on the app, from scratch. I've created a whole graphic identity based on the group's graphic charter. It was a great UI/UX challenge.

I used:

  • Crashlytics (Firebase)
  • Kotlin
  • Retrofit
  • MLKit (QRCode, OCR)
  • Gitlab CI/CD
    • Create and use a Docker environnement
    • Automatised tests
    • Setup Jacoco coverage report
    • Setup SonarQube (quality gate, profile)
    • Deployment with Fastlane
    • Documentation with Dokka

A completed and functional application with a 70% coverage and an automated deployment to the Playstore. As far as I now, it was used once for the wrestling championship in Dakar.

Embedded developer

C++ wrapping and support @Ixxitechside
Background and objectives
Achievements and activities
Deliverables and results

In order to develop a solution for all types of equipment. The embedded equipment team wanted to create a library to be integrated in android.

When I arrived, the solution was already partially wrapped in Java for Android. I just continued the work by wrapping more and more features from the embedded solution to the android library but started from a new brand libray to restart with a clean base and with tests. I was also a support between the Android and the Embedded team.

I used:

  • Java (Android)
  • JUnit
  • Maven package
  • C++
  • Swig

I only worked 1 month, so I obviously didn't finish the wrapping but I think I founded a good basis for the future library.

Network Manager @Navocap

Background and objectives
Achievements and activities
Deliverables and results

Replace the current Network module using unix command lines with the unix Network Manager and DBus to establish the internet connection and the routing of the device.

I worked alone on the module and from scratch. First part was learning how Network Manager was working, then to create the module inside the app.

I used:

  • C++
  • Qt
  • QDBus

A module successfully integrated with its documention on how to use it. It supports GSM connections,(ModemManager), wifi connections, ethernet connections and VPN (OpenVPN) connections.

Support @Navocap

Updrading the Navocap embedded product by implementing new features and fixing bugs. (C++, Qt, Meson)